Address : XI/641 A Kundanoor Junction, NH - 47 Bypass, Maradu, Kochi - 682304
For all the leisure tourists as well as for the corporate guests, a stay in Crown Plaza Kochi is going to be an unforgettable experience. The guests, with a stay in here, get lost among the stunning views of Kerala Backwaters, while the appetizing food will ensnare their minds, taste buds and senses. The comfy rooms are designed in contemporary style providing all basic facilities and services to guests. Also, the hotel has been smarty constructed, with energy optimization techniques, making sure that there is as less consumption of energy as possible. Stay in this hotel and do your role and saving the energy!
The rooms in the Hotel offer a remarkable stay while visiting the beautiful city of Cochin. There are a total of 269 deluxe rooms and executive suites, installed with all the modern amenities, and surrounded by serene and tranquil surroundings of Kerala Backwaters. The interiors of the hotel are reminiscent of the glorious luxury of India, and a stay in these rooms excites the guests with a heavy blending of pure luxury and supreme comfort. All the rooms are centrally air conditioned and the guests are treated by utmost hospitality by the room service. The guest can also avail coffee/tea makers, wireless high-speed Internet access, minibars, trouser presses and iron and ironing board.
The food served in the hotel is such that the guests feel blessed to be able to savor such exciting cuisines and such scrumptious food in the specialty restaurants, the famous café/coffee shop and the exotic lounge/bar. The major restaurants in the hotel are: