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Kappad Beach

Kappad Beach located at a distance of 16 kms from Kozhikode is a picturesque beach which was discovered by the great Portuguese explorer  Vasco-da-Gama in the 15 th century. The breathtaking landscapes of the beach are studded by the beautiful rock formations. The shoreline of the beach is dotted with numerous coconut groves and the yellow sand drenched by frothy surf gently rolling and up and down the shores.

The beach proves to an ideal escape from the monotonous lifestyle of metropolitan cities. Visitors proceed to visit this place to rest and relax in the nature's lap. The sight of the few fishermen going out into the sea along with their fishing nets is unique and appealing. A 800 year old temple is also present on the edges of the rock monument is another major attraction present on this pristine beach.

 A solitary pillar is present on this beach to commemorate the event of Vasco-da-Gama visit to India for the first time with the inscription, "Vasco DA Gama landed here, Kappakadavu, in the year 1498". This significant event opened up the famous sea route, to the trade between Europe and India and soon the Malabar route became the famous gateway of the east. The beautiful beach remains unruffled and untouched making it one of the most peaceful and serene beaches of Kerala.

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