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Cuisine in Thrissur

The population residing in Thrissuris not generally vegetarian, though there are still some individuals who may avoid non-vegetarian food. The routine diet in a family comprises of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Rice is the staple food of the people in Thrissur. At the breakfast Kanji (Rice gruel) along with vegetable curry and pickles are served and in the recent times new additions like Iddali, Uppuma, Dosa and Poori have been made in the breakfast menus. Some of the favorite breakfast items include Puttu along with Kadalakkari and Appam or Idiyappam served along with vegetable or non-vegetarian stew.

The lunch in Thrissur is always extensive and some of the prominent items served at lunch include special curries, rice of Choru and buttermilk. People of Thrissur make use of parboiled rice in their food preparations. The highlight of Thrissur cuisine is that they make use of coconut oil for preparing their food. At dinner, Kanji or similar items are served as for the lunch.

Pickles of Cherunaranga, mango and nellikka are widely popular among the people of Thrissur. The condiments generally used are turmeric, pepper, fenugreek, ginger, cardamom , cloves , spices , chilli, mustard , onion, garlic etc.Coconut milk and grated coconut are widely used in their food preparation as a thickener and flavoring ingredient in Thrissur.  

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