Nestled between the Western Ghats, the hill town of Wayanad is also known as the ‘Green Paradise’, because bordering with greener portions of the south Indian state of Kerala. Wayanad derives its name from Vayal Nadu, representing Vayal - paddy fields and Nadu - the land, making it a land of paddy fields. The tranquil natural beauty of this place comprises of a fog- clad hills, intense forests and verdant green agricultural fields. Wayanad is also well-known exotic animal species and a vast variety of flora as well. This place is also quite popular for housing the largest tribal population of the state.
The encircling Western Ghats Mountains offer Wayanad a magical look and an impressive hilly area. The place is also quite popular for plantations of vanilla, tea, coffee, pepper and cardamom, which are also exported to the international markets. The round the year pleasurable climate and the enchanting beauty are two of its major highlights along with dense wilderness, tourist attractions, rich history and culture.